View Inside: David Henderson

David Henderson

  When I visited David Henderson in his Williamsburg studio, our topics of conversation drifted and rippled, quite fittingly, from disturbances within interference patterns to patterns both established and disturbed by differential amplitudes, and from marginally sealed fragmentations to the potential for topographical prints. We also chatted about motorcycle pistons vanishing, inexplicably, into oblivion, and about [READ ►]

Viewpoint: Ryan Schneider “El Diablo”

El Diablo Ryan Schnieder

artwork focus: “El Diablo” Ryan Schneider     “’El Diablo’ (pictured, top) began as an attempt to paint a giant ceramic bowl on a beach. Hopefully one day I will be able to pull that motif off, but in this instance, I was not. I worked on this big bowl with little crabs crawling all [READ ►]

Viewpoint: Jeffrey Beebe “City of Sociopaths”

“City of Sociopaths” Jeffrey Beebe

artwork focus: “City of Sociopaths” Jeffrey Beebe   “The Hobbit was my first introduction to fantasy, followed shortly by Lord of the Rings, and R.E. Howard’s Conan, Frank Herbert’s Dune books, H.P. Lovecraft, Piers Anthony,Terry Brooks, etc. Film hit me in a parallel fashion: Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back, Hawk the Slayer, The [READ ►]

Interview: Esperanza Mayobre

esperanza mayobre immigration services

Esperanza Mayobre is a Brooklyn-based Venezuelan artist who “creates fictive laboratory spaces. Inserts the role of a hero, writing a role for herself in the work. Uses light as a metaphor for birth. Drawings to create infinite lines. Candles to create lines of light. Gives money away to talk about the third world countries debt. [READ ►]

Interview: Dennis McNett

DennisMcNett Burning Ship

Dennis McNett’s woodblock prints, installations and sculptures are visual narrations of intricate mythologies and often inspire crowds to participate in elaborate outdoor rituals. ART (inter) contributor Jilli Bean leads us in conversation with the artist: JB: It is clear that your art is a result of a fierce imagination. Borrowing from Greek and Norse myths, Mexican [READ ►]

Interview: Elektra KB

Elektra KB The White Papess ii

Elektra KB’s works were on view at concurrent exhibitions in two New York galleries, BravinLee (526 W26th Street, NYC; thru June 28, 2013) and Allegra LaViola Gallery (179 East Broadway, NYC; thru June 22, 2013).   ART(inter)’s Hannah Krafcik leads us in conversation with the artist: HK: You have two exhibitions showing right now. Would you [READ ►]

Interview: Pavel Acosta

Pavel Acosta Art Interview

Pavel Acosta’s site-specific artwork, “Wallscape,” was installed directly upon a wall in El Museo del Barrio’s permanent collection gallery. The large scale collage was featured in El Museo’s 2013 biennial exhibition “La Bienal 2013: HERE IS WHERE WE JUMP” . ART (inter)’s Keith Schweitzer leads us in conversation with the artist: KS: You recently installed an artwork [READ ►]

Interview: Marela Zacarias

Marela Zacarias

nycARTscene’s Hannah Krafcik leads us in conversation with artist Marela Zacarias: HK: Could you briefly give us a glimpse into the inspiration for your work, “Supple Beat,” which was part of the Brooklyn Museum’s 2013 “Raw/Cooked” series? What framework did the Brooklyn Museum provide for you to contextualize “Supple Beat” in the space? What did you want [READ ►]

Saya Woolfalk

Saya Woolfalk Empath

Saya Woolfalk’s exhibition “Chimera” was on view at Third Streaming through April 25, 2013. nycARTscene’s Hannah Krafcik leads us in conversation with the artist: HK: You present your artwork as fragments of a fantastical world beyond what we know. Our only point of access is through what you show us, and this is all birthed from a [READ ►]

Rose Eken

Rose Eken Master of Reality, installation, glazed ceramics

Rose Eken’s exhibition “Love is the Drug” was on view at Munch Gallery through February 3rd, 2013. Gallery Director Lillan Munch leads us in conversation with the artist: 1/Tell us a little about your choices of media and how these choices relate to the objects represented in your artwork. I work with a variety of media [READ ►]