George Boorujy

Arthur Seen: I can’t help but to think of a Möbius strip when visualizing your path towards becoming a Brooklyn based artist. Raised in NJ, going to Miami to pursue a career in Marine Biology, receiving a BFA in painting instead, then back north to NYC via Alaska>North California>Las Vegas to earn an MFA from [READ ►]
Kathy Ruttenberg

Arthur Seen interviews artist Kathy Ruttenberg during her exhibition, “The Earth Exhales,” at STUX Gallery March 21 through May 5th, 2012. Arthur Seen: Your artworks have an imaginative fairytale-like quality. Is there an ongoing fairytale that inspires all of your work? What would we witness if we could physically step inside the story? Kathy Ruttenberg: The story unveils inside [READ ►]