Tag Archives | Greenpoint

View Inside: Karen Marston

by on May 11th 2016


  Last week I visited Karen Marston in her studio to get a preview of some of the works that will be in her forthcoming solo show, Demeter’s Wrath. It opens on May 20th at Owen James Gallery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. While Karen and I looked around at her most recent paintings, we chatted about [READ ►]

View Inside: Bill Schuck

by on November 7th 2015


  I recently paid a visit to Bill Schuck’s studio, a crypt-like lair of curiosity tucked deep into the guts of uppermost Greenpoint. Schuck’s geologically informed, scientifically conceived, empirically iterative, and both temporally determined and grounded works involve meticulously calibrated machinery, gradual drips and capillary seepings of an array of inks, a range of mostly [READ ►]