View Inside: Bob Seng

by on July 29th 2015

Photographs by Paul D'Agostino.

Photographs by Paul D’Agostino.


I had a great time with the ever-affable excavator of exit signs, Bob Seng, in his Williamsburg studio on a recent afternoon, at which time he showed me a couple walls brimming with more or less new pieces while we chatted about egresses, extremes, earthquakes and eventualities. We also talked about lettuce. And peaches. And about some group shows he’d soon be in, including one at Centotto.

I also had the good fortune to get a glimpse at some truly excellent new sculptural pieces by Bob’s better half—and frequent collaborator on sometimes performative video and installation pieces—Lisa Hein. In a couple words,  her new works are elegant and fresh. In a couple more words, they’re mysterious and masterful. In eight more words, they’re very much worth keeping an eye out for. Since they’re not pictured here, you’ll have to do just that.

Anyway, here are a few images of Bob, his studio and his work. To see more, visit his website.

Bob Seng

Bob Seng


Paul D’Agostino, Ph.D. is an artist, writer, translator, curator and professor living in Bushwick, Brooklyn. More information about him is available here, and you can find him as @postuccio on Instagram and Twitter.

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One Response to View Inside: Bob Seng

  1. Bob Seng September 13, 2015 at 12:36 pm #

    I love the new format for your excellent and insightful interviews.
    And how could I not like this?
    It’s a win/win for us all.

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